Thursday 1 August 2013

Best Breakfast Foods

Best Breakfast Foods

Unfortunately, skipping breakfast not only increases the risk of weight gain but also influences energy levels, mood, and cognitive function. perfect grab-and-go option. Like regular greek yogurt contains important nutrients such as calcium and B vitamins. But it provides double the protein of regular for around the same number of calories. Stick with plain greek yogurt rather than fruit-flavored varieties, which are loaded with added simple sugars. If plain is too bland, add your own flavor with berries and banana slices a handful of walnuts or a sprinkle of flax seed.
Fresh Fruit Salad

Sweet, healthy option for those who don’t have big morning appetites. Compared to drinking fruit juice, eating the fruit itself provides more intact fiber, which slows absorption and may help lower cholesterol. 

Veggie Omelet

Plan a few extra minutes in the morning to cook a veggie omelet with a 3:1 ratio of egg whites to yolk. The egg whites contain protein and water, and the yolk provides important nutrients such as vitamin A, choline and B vitamins. Eliminating a few yolks will reduce fat and cholesterol while still providing these nutrients. Sauté spinach, peppers and tomatoes and add them to your omelet for a vitamin party on your plate. 

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