Saturday 3 August 2013

Easy Ways to Improve Eating Habits

Easy Ways to Improve Eating Habits

The rise of eating-related issues like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, the need to improve the overall health of our country is becoming more urgent, time to make some changes in our daily habits and eating patterns. We're not talking about extreme measures here, but little habits like starting the morning with a big glass of water and eating more vegetables and less processed foods. Taking small steps can make a big difference toward a healthier lifestyle. Examine what your personal diet pitfalls are and start to change them one habit at a time. As a jumping-off point, starting small and trying to get in the habit of ordering dishes that are grilled and baked instead of fried when dining out, and asking for a side of vegetables instead of fries.  

Don't go Shopping without a List

It often results in a grocery cart full of unneeded foods and unhealthy snacks, plus a large bill. when you don't have a plan of attack, it's easy to get lost in the grocery store and wind up spending more money than planned on. With that said, go in with a plan and buy what you came for. Avoid the center aisles of the market, which usually contain processed foods, unless you're looking for something on your list like brown rice or whole-grain pasta or canned tomatoes. 

Eat More Whole Foods

It's easy to forget the basics and caught up in the hot trend of the moment or the new go-to diet that claims to melt away the pounds. But this is news worth repeating: losing weight and becoming healthier is not accomplished by quick-fix changes that can be done and then forgotten about. it's not just the vitamin C in an orange that contributes to our health, so you can't eat a pack of fruit snacks fortified with vitamin C and think you're getting the same benefits. There is a whole group of phytochemicals, fiber, and substances that scientist haven't even discovered yet that all work together in a whole orange to improve our health.

Variety of Nutrient Rich Foods and Balanced Diet

A variety and balance are very important in a diet because of all the different nutrients the body needs, and it's impossible to get all of them from the same foods, even if they are healthy ones. 

Avoid Skipping Meals

Starvation is not good for health. when you skip meals, your body is denied needed calories, which provide the energy our cells need to operate at optimal level. 

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