Thursday, 4 July 2013

Cronut - Croissant-Doughnut Hybrid

Cronut - Croissant-Doughnut Hybrid

It's the latest food craze, the cronut which is a hybrid of croissant and doughnut which was an idea of a chef Dominique Ansel. the sweet and fatty decadence of a well-made dessert. Combine the two foodie emotions and you’ve got the Cronut.

People on the streets of new york are going frenzy about it. They’re now 100 strong most mornings for the chance to nab the quirky, fried treats, including some who show up at 6 a.m., two hours before the door opens at the Dominique Ansel Bakery in SoHo. Some often leave empty handed, or at least Cronut-less if they turn up their noses at the 30 or so other items on Ansel’s menu. He makes only 200 to 250 Cronuts every morning (it takes three days to complete the process) and has been selling out within an hour.

He acknowledges loads and loads of butter, along with cream injected through multiple layers with a syringe-like pastry tip and a glaze on top that encircles the hole in the middle. He fries each Cronut in grapeseed oil for 30 seconds.Rolls the sides in sugar and added dried, candied rose petals to May’s flavour of rose-vanilla. For June, Ansel switched to lemon-maple with glaze and cream to match.

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