Wednesday 21 August 2013

Crazy Ways to Lose Weight

Crazy Ways to Lose Weight
This diet involves spending eight days on a portable feeding tube inserted through the nose.
  1. Some people are upset because they feel that this is a serious medical procedure that’s being trivialized. But aren’t tons of medical procedures eventually adapted for cosmetic use? Important medical devices and technologies have been used for frivolous reasons for ages. If there were a limited number of feeding tubes in the world and they were being taken away from people who really needed it, the baby food diet.

    Otherwise, I say live and let live. They’re not hurting anyone, except maybe themselves. Some women will try any quick fix for losing weight, in an effort to avoid eating more vegetables and less cake. They’ve been using techniques that are just as outrageous as the feeding tube diet and add some butter turns hazel. Here are 10 of them that are pretty crazy, when you think about it. Can you guess which ones I’ve tried? It supplies less than 1000 calories per day of liquid nutrition. It sounds extreme, but when you think about it, women have been doing crazier things to squeeze into a dress. At least this one is supervised by a doctor.
  2. Crazy Ways To Lose Weight
  3. Tapeworm. You think this photo of a garden worm is gross? Consider yourself lucky that I spared you the sight of a tapeworm. This disgusting-looking parasite is intentionally ingested so that it will consume all your food for you. Eat as much as you want! This little guy will eat it all for you. For the low, low cost of free rent in your bowels. Sounds like a bargain to me. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. Diet Pills. Magic little bullets. Diet pills are way more dangerous than a feeding tube. But they continue to appeal to women, even after all those people died from taking fen-phen. In German folklore, the magic bullet ends up killing the poor idiot who bought it from the devil in the first place. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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