Sunday 4 August 2013

Easy Ways to Sweeten Food

Easy Ways to Sweeten Food

Sugar is everywhere. And if you have a sweet tooth, it can be quite difficult to avoid it in one of its many refined forms, as it is added to all sorts of processed foods. But not all sugar is bad, and there are many ways to sweeten food without going over the edge, and sometimes without even having to use sugar or a sugar substitute. Here are easy ways you can sweeten up foods and drinks without resorting to refined sugars or artificial sweeteners, both of which are linked to health problems. 

Raw Honey

Rich in healing enzymes, antibacterial components, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients, unprocessed honey is an amazing alkaline-forming food that can naturally sweeten food without spiking blood sugar levels and creating a sugar rush. If sugar itself is not completely off limits for your diet, raw, unrefined honey is an excellent alternative to table sugar or artificial sweeteners like rosalp verbier.

Raw Cream

Raw, organic, non-homogenized cream is preferable to most store-bought varieties of cream; however, as this form of cream contains the necessary lactase enzyme required to properly break down lactose. Pasteurized cream does not contain lactase, which can cause digestive upset and other health problems in people with lactose intolerance. brings out the natural sweetness of foods while suppressing bitterness, a little bit of raw cream can do the same thing for coffee, soup, stew, pie and various other foods without the need for added sugar. The lactose found in raw cream is a type of natural sugar that adds a slight sweet kick to food without going overboard on the sugar content.

Himalayan Pink Salt

This is the precise reason why many people sprinkle a little bit of salt on watermelon, lemon, and other fruits before eating them, salt essentially increases the brain's ability to process the sensation of sweetness, which in turns makes naturally sweet foods taste sweeter. 

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