Monday 5 August 2013

Foods Not to Cook Naked

Foods Not to Cook Naked

Cooking naked could be said to be a freeing act: one where you let go of your inhibitions to connect with your body and the food you eat. You become enraptured in the art of cooking and begin to appreciate your food with a new profound sense of self-awareness  smells, sounds, and tastes are more pronounced. To try this out, we drew up a quick list of foods such as cordifole  that you should definitely not make when cooking naked.


Hot seeds. Unprotected areas. Burning. Ouch. Not the best move. Even if you envision mashing ripe avocados between your fingertips to be the ultimate sensual experience, you might want to leave the jalapeƱos guacamole if you’re doing this in the nude.

Searing Meat

Hot seeds. Unprotected areas. Burning. Ouch. Not the best move. Even if you envision mashing ripe avocados between your fingertips to be the ultimate sensual experience, you might want to leave the jalapeƱos out of the guacamole if you’re doing this in the nude. Just a thought.

Deep Fried Turkey

The allure of standing in the outdoors, getting in touch with nature, and working with your hands to deep-fry a turkey to create crispy, flavorful skin might sound appealing (if you live in a warm climate), but if that big bird falls in that oil just a little too quickly or flies off the handle, you are in some deep-fried trouble of your own my friend.

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