Monday 5 August 2013

Top Five Healing Super Foods

Top Five Healing Super Foods

Eating five superfoods like apples and chlorella every day is out of reach, not very do-able. There are quite a few superfoods available, and many articles list up to ten to consume. Some of those super foods, however, may not be practical every-day consumable items. Choosing organic, when crops are sprayed or treated from the soil with fungicides, the crop's sylvestrols become weaker because they're not needed for fighting fungal infections. The externally applied fungicides are doing that for them. Organic fruits and vegetables still contain these sylvestrols, and they're attracted only to the CYP 1B1 in cancer cells, killing them. Everyone has a few cancer cells floating around. The idea is to control them and keep them from overwhelming tissue or organ healthy cells.


Cacao or cocoa nibs can be ground. Mixing a couple of teaspoons full into coffee, almond milk, yogurt, or smoothies will give you much more antioxidant power than even berries. Cacao and even dark unsweetened or semi-sweet chocolate that's at least 70 percent cacao supports cardiovascular health to help prevent heart attacks. It's definitely easy to have a little cacao or dark chocolate every day.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil should be stored in a dark space. If the temperature is just a little cool, it remains solid or semi-solid up to 75 degrees F or 24 degrees C. Above that it turns to liquid. It turns into too much of a brick in the fridge, but remains stable cooking at heats up to around 485 F or 252 C. You can cook with it, mix in smoothies, cereals, or take a teaspoonful daily. It should be cold pressed virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil's medium length triglycerides are easily metabolized into ketones that provide energy to brain cells. It has even been used successfully for reversing Alzheimer's disease


Goji berries, Acai berries, blueberries, strawberries, and all other types of berries are easy snack foods that are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants. There's no reason why a few can't be nibbled every day.

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