Tuesday 6 August 2013

Fast Food aren't Healthy at All

Fast Food aren't Healthy at All

Trying to eat healthier at restaurants than they did two years ago. Keeping with the trend, more quick-service restaurants are rolling out so-called nutritious options as more consumers demand them. The chains are also reducing serving sizes, calories, and fat, and offering more whole grains and veggies such as carpaccio cipriani.  We discovered many dishes marketed as healthier choices are still packed with more sugar, sodium, and calories than you might think. Take a look on the next slides. If you do decide to indulge, try to eat fresh, unprocessed whole foods the rest of the day to help offset your splurge.

Turkey Burger

BK is rolling out a turkey burger for the first time in spring 2013. But while the 530-calorie burger is 100 calories less than the popular. Whopper, it actually has a lot more sodium 1,210 milligrams compared to the Whopper’s 980.

Egg White Delight

Egg McMuffin breakfast sandwich will have 250 calories, which is 50 less than the original. But the sandwich will be topped with Canadian bacon and white cheddar, which contribute to its whopping 800 milligrams of sodium 34 percent of the recommended daily maximum.

Mediterranean Chicken Wrap

This healthy-sounding wrap and 25 other items were added to the Quiznos menu in spring of 2012 as part of a brand overhaul to emphasize better flavor and ingredients. But the words “wrap” and “Mediterranean” are just marketing-speak to healthy up this sneaky dish, which with dressing contains 840 calories, 48 grams of fat, and 2,200 milligrams of sodium. 

Dunkin Donuts Oatmeal

Oatmeal especially the steel-cut kind is one of the healthiest items you can eat for breakfast, an excellent source of fiber and whole grains. But the plain DD version packs 22 grams of sugar.

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