Tuesday 6 August 2013

Healthier Grilling Guidelines

Healthier Grilling Guidelines

Well-done burgers or charred hotdogs are your thing, you might want to read this. Regularly consuming well-done or charred meat may increase your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 60 percent. eating habits of more than 62,000 people over a nine-year period. Try chooser leaner meats and trimming the fat well before grilling, because when fat and juices drip from meat, flames flare up and create more smoke, which leads to carcinogen formation.

Marinate your Meat

Marinade acts like a barrier between your meat and carcinogens. The Food Science Institute who found a steak cooked in a Caribbean marinade had an 88 percent drop in HCAs, while an herb marinade accounted for a 72 percent drop and a Southwestern mixture had a 57 percent drop in bad compounds.

Cut Grill Time

Cooking meat for a long time also leads to formation of carcinogens, because you are exposing it for a longer time to smoke and flames. Try fish, which cooks significantly quicker than chicken or beef, or make skewered kebobs with cubes of meat, which will take less time to be done.

Avoid Processed Meats

Skip the hotdogs and sausages. They might taste good, but cancer-causing substances form when these meats are preserved

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